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National Steering Committee

National Steering Committee

The National Steering Committee is responsible for executing the project in all of its capacities and ensuring that the objectives and deliverables are met.

In particular, the National Steering Committee is responsible for direction and guidance leading up to the end of 2020 including the publication of the One with Nature report which considered the recommendations from the Indigenous Circle of experts, the National Advisory Panel, discussion papers produced by expert task teams, and information obtained through consultations from other processes and groups.

The composition of the Pathway to Canada Target 1 National Steering Committee currently includes representatives from:

  • Department of Environment, Yukon

  • Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Government of the Northwest Territories

  • Ministry of Environment and Climate Strategy, British Columbia (Co-chair)

  • Ministry of Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta

  • Ministry of Environment, Saskatchewan

  • Department of Conservation and Climate, Manitoba

  • Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry, Ontario

  • Ministry of Environment Conservation and Parks, Ontario

  • Department of Energy and Resource Development, New Brunswick

  • Nova Scotia Environment and Climate Change

  • Department of Environment and Climate Change, Newfoundland and Labrador

  • Canadian Parks and Recreation Association

  • Canadian Parks Council

  • Assembly of First Nations

  • Métis National Council

  • Environment and Climate Change Canada (Co-chair)

  • Parks Canada Agency