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Discussion papers

Discussion papers

Below are discussion papers on the qualitative element of Canada Target 1. Task teams were directed to write unbiased documents intended to help expedite the work and facilitate the deliberations of the National Advisory Panel (NAP), the Indigenous Circle of Experts (ICE), and the National Steering Committee (NSC). The papers do not provide recommendations or policy advice. The NAP, ICE and NSC are free to use the ETT papers as they see fit when formulating their recommendations and advice to the elected officials responsible for the Pathway to Canada Target 1 initiative.

Task teams were asked to make full use of existing guidance, including those prepared by the Canadian Council on Ecological Areas, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, and provincial and territorial governments.

Task teams were drawn primarily from federal, provincial and territorial protected area departments, while some teams also included members of academia. In addition, task teams were encouraged to consult subject matter experts to the extent possible.